2:The APK can connect with wearable product through. It offers other needed integration features: it helps track steps and other Google Fit information can send email inbox notifications through MAP and can both track and find the smart watch with a 'find device' feature. Mediatek SmartDevice English descriptionMediatek SmartDevice V1.2.2 (For MT2502/MT2503)Attention:1:The APK need work with Mediatek(MTK) wearable device (e.g. DZ09 Sim Card Android IOS SmartWatch Bluetooth Camera Call Smart Watch U8 LK Best Price Dz09 BDZ. Aside from that it can also be used to install or uninstall Linkit apps such as a Yahoo! weather widget if you want to use these. Download Mediatek SmartDevice app for Android. If they can already be sent to and fro SmartDevice may help with any delays that currently exist. The most obvious purpose of Mediatek SmartDevice is to allow for smart notifications to be sent between your smart watch and your phone. It supports a wide variety of smart watches across various brands freeing you from using their software or providing compatibility when their software is unavailable or doesn't work. Smartwatch apk 1.3.32 android -, whatsapp - dz09, smartwatch (android) Vxp App For Smart Watch Dz09 Of 240 240 Mobile Phone. It's capable of scanning for smart watches across two protocols SPP and GATT (BLE) and once it finds your smart watch it can interface with your phone much more closely. Mediatek SmartDevice is a free bilingual app (available in English and Chinese) that empowers your smart watch with one APK. Chantelle van Heerden Updated 9 months ago Get Your Smart Watch Working Or Working Better Mediatek SmartDevice V1.2.2 (For MT2502/MT2503)Attention:1:The APK need work with Mediatek(MTK) wearable device (e.g.